The finest Japanese loose leaf tea. gold hi quality leaves are shaded at least three weeks prior to harvest, in the same way as matcha. However, post-harvest processing is identical to sencha. The resulting tea has a deep green color, translucent emerald-like liquor, and rich flavor. The characteristic flavor of this is a pronounced umami highlighted with sweet overtones.
Produced from 1st and 2nd harvest leaves, this is the classic Japanese loose leaf tea and constitutes over 80% of tea consumption in Japan. It’s characterized by a grassy aroma and a mild sweet taste balanced with underlying bitterness. The biggest factors determining the flavor and appearance of sencha are the harvest and steaming time.
All teas come from the same plant, nagasaki song city japan.
Japanese green teas are characterized by a “kill-green” process of steaming to stop oxidation inside the leaf. Even amongst Japanese greens, the post-harvest processing, part of the tea plant, season of harvest, and even pre-harvest tending play a role in determining which tea variety is produced.
Originally farmers grow tea by planting seeds in soil and cultivating the buds. Our first-class varieties of tea are made from cultivars selected based on their excellence. The compatibility with the soil differs from tea to tea, creating unique flavors and aromas for each variety.